Crypto Swap

Set Exchange Pair

Explore over 1000+ pairings to find the one that suits your trading preferences. Choose your desired currency pair from our extensive list of supported options.

Enter Wallet Address

Provide your wallet address for the deposit and ensure accurate entry. Add a refund address for error handling, guaranteeing a seamless transaction experience.

Make a Payment

Transfer your cryptocurrency to the address displayed on your screen. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the payment process securely.

Wait for Your Coins

Track the real-time progress of your exchange as your coins are swiftly sent to your deposit address. Enjoy the convenience of a fast and transparent crypto swap process.

Buy Crypto

Select Fiat and Crypto Pair

Choose the pairing that suits your trading goals, whether it's fiat to crypto or crypto to crypto. Explore diverse options to find the perfect combination for your investment strategy.

Enter Deposit Address

Input your deposit address accurately to ensure a smooth transaction. Double-check the details to guarantee the seamless transfer of your purchased crypto.

Select Payment Options

Enjoy the flexibility of choosing from a variety of payment options. Select the payment method that best aligns with your preferences and needs.

Confirm and Pay

Confirm your transaction details and proceed to the payment page. Complete the transaction securely, and await the swift delivery of your newly acquired crypto to your deposit address.

Sell Crypto

Select Crypto to Sell

Choose the cryptocurrency you wish to sell from our diverse list of supported assets. Explore your options and select the crypto that aligns with your trading strategy.

Enter Deposit Address

Provide the deposit address where you want to receive funds from your sold crypto. Ensure accuracy to facilitate a smooth transaction and avoid any delays.

Select Payment Options

Choose from a variety of payment options for receiving funds. Select the payment method that suits your preferences and financial goals.

Confirm and Sell

Confirm your transaction details and proceed to initiate the sale. Track the progress of your transaction as the funds are sent to your designated deposit address.

Trade Now

Exchange fiat and crypto currencies without registrations, KYC, and long waits.

50+ Fiat currencies

1000+ Crypto currencies

5min Average Exchange Time
